Alia- The Army Wifey/ SAHM

Hi Guys! I'm Alia, first and foremost I'm am a lover of Jesus Christ, He is my savior and I would be nothing today if it weren't for him. I'm a PROUD Army wife and mother to 2 beautiful kids. A 4 year old son and a 1 year old baby girl. I love to scrapbook, cook, pretend to organize and be as crafty as possible. I'm a stay at home mom but will be getting my lactation consultant certificate in the fall. I love my job and my life, I have been so blessed!

Hi Guys! I'm Alia, first and foremost I'm am a lover of Jesus Christ, He is my savior and I would be nothing today if it weren't for him. I'm a PROUD Army wife and mother to 2 beautiful kids. A 4 year old son and a 1 year old baby girl. I love to scrapbook, cook, pretend to organize and be as crafty as possible. I'm a stay at home mom but will be getting my lactation consultant certificate in the fall. I love my job and my life, I have been so blessed!

Lo- The stay at Home Mommy

I am twenty something stay at home mommy who love love loves to cook. I also love to scrapbook. My children and my family are my life. My children are 5 yrs and 6 months old. They keep my busy and happier then i could ever imagine i would be. I am lucky to have to have the people i do in my life... especially my life long best friends to help me with the adventures of parenting!

A Few of My Favorite Things...

I am twenty something stay at home mommy who love love loves to cook. I also love to scrapbook. My children and my family are my life. My children are 5 yrs and 6 months old. They keep my busy and happier then i could ever imagine i would be. I am lucky to have to have the people i do in my life... especially my life long best friends to help me with the adventures of parenting!

A Few of My Favorite Things...

What im reading right now:

Hi im a 20 something "New" Mommy to a vibrant and beautiful princess, Auburn Rose. She's just under 2 years old. I have had a lot of trials and tribulations but Auburn and I grow stronger together and closer with each new day. I will be going back to school for law so that i can support my little love on my own. In the meantime my family has been amazing and helping me get through some of the hardest times ive ever encountered. I've been blessed beyond belief and so thankful for what God has done in my life. I am learning new things everyday about parenting and loving every minute of it. I love to run, cook, sing, and take lots and lots of pictures...i go through at least 1 digital camera a year :)
Becky- The Working Mommy

I am the twenty something working momma. I currently work 2 jobs and sometimes work over 60 hours a week! How do I do it? I really have no idea! I have a wonderful 3 year old son who is my pride and joy. I have also been married for a little over a year to the most amazing man. I love to bake and hope to go back to school to major in Culinary Arts.
I am addicted to this blog: dooce
This guy takes amazing pictures: David Lynch
One day Phillip and I will have him take the wedding pictures that we never got around to taking.
I support Invisible Children, you should too!