Friday, April 16, 2010

Some oldies but goodies

Here are a few fun tid bits id like to share this week. I met Becky when we were in kindergarten. I do not have a single year growing up that she wasn't a part of my life. She was at every birthday party, on every soccer team, in lots of my same classes, and often we were in the same crowds all the way up through high school. She is a very consistent friend and shes been there through literally everything in my life! Love ya Becky
I met Lauren in 6Th grade through our mutual friend Mackenzie, and we hit it off right from the start. We spent everyday together and i can remember being on the phone for hours after school, three waying our favorite crushes and trying to see if they liked one of us. Hmm Lauren i think i always wanted you to call Jeremiah for me, Leland and Michael you remember Oh my word what fun times. I remember being at Laurens for my first kiss ever. In her back yard at her birthday party with a boy named Matt haha!! We lost touch through high school because i went to a different one, and got back in touch in college. We had our ups and downs, and lots of fun....parties, laughs, best memories, etc...And now i get the pleasure of sharing our children growing up together too. Its awesome.
I remember meeting Alia, through Lauren, and this was during our prime college party years. Oh so much fun and lots of memories of laughing till my sides hurt!!!Greys Anatomy nights, girls night dinners, hanging out at Ashley's old house, all very good times. I'm looking forward to becoming closer through this blog and with our children!!
Love you girls, xoxoxoxo

P.S. I would like to encourage everyone out there to please make your cars a "No Phone Zone" It is so important to get yourself from A to B without anything interrupting you or distracting you. Life is way too precious and way too short to be taking risks. Lets make it a point to not let one more person die because of such an unneccessary distraction. Think about your precious cargo. Dont let anything happen to them!!!


  1. your memory rocks!!! good times good times

  2. I love how friends can help bring new friends together and how kids can give you something to bind even further over. My group of high school friends scattered when we all went to college all over the country. It wasn't until our 20th reunion that I found a lot of those people again and having kids in common has helped rebuild those friendships again.

    Love the "sweet" new blog look!
